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Sundance Recreation
Explore Popular Area Recreation Options

You are on a family vacation...the SUV is loaded to the ceiling...You are tired of driving and its time for break. The Sundance Area has many options, maybe you made it to America’s First National Monument Devils Tower and are walking or hiking around the base. Maybe you are eyeing the Bearlodge Mountains in the background of Sundance, So don’t stay cooped up in the family car - Get out hike, walk and explore Sundance.

Climbing Devils Tower National Monument Video

Explore Popular Area Recreation Options

Climb Devils Tower

Climbing Devils Tower

Curtis on Maid in the ShadeOne of the most Iconic symbols in America is Devils Tower National Monument. You can walk around the base, take photos and even picnic with the prairie dogs. Ranger guided hikes are available most days. But how about you discover your adventurist side and see the world from an unbelievable spot “THE TOP OF THE ROCK.” Never climbed before? No Problem! There are professional guides available. Climbing this amazing monument will help you refocus, release and revive yourself way beyond your weekly yoga class! Everyone is looking for his or her Wyoming Experience, Climb for yours!   




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  PO Box 1004
Sundance, WY 82729
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Upcoming Events

Monthly Chamber Meeting
01-21-2025 11:30 am
Open Mic Night
01-23-2025 6:00 pm
Freeze Your Fanny
02-09-2025 7:00 am